December 29, 2024 Sunday Services

Online Only Services
Sunday, December 29, 2024
9:00am | 10:30am
Enjoy services gathered around your TV or quietly on your phone or iPad. Please take time to participate in the chat, even if just to say hello! It’s a great way to connect with others, like a virtual lobby. Follow message notes and enjoy some conversation with friends. The chat opens 15 minutes prior to the start of service.

CircleCircle Circle  

Sunday Service

9:00am  |  10:30am 

Use this link to watch Sunday Services live online circlerecordHERE

commentsOnce the live stream opens, jump in the chat feature to connect with our online hosts and the others who will be watching with you. It's our virtual lobby each week and a great place to catch up, pray for each other, ask questions or just say hello! 


rightarrowConnection Card

rightarrowYouVersion Notes

rightarrowMessage Outline

rightarrowSong Lyrics



Missed the live stream? No problem, you can view past messages circlevideo HERE ]