Weekly Announcements

H I G H L I G H T E D  U P D A T E S

Giving Statements – Watch for an email next week providing a personalized link to help you conveniently access your 2024 Giving Statement. We’ll also provide a help link. Your statement is always available to you through your myMainstreet account. Thank you so much for your generosity this past year. You help make ministry happen!

Join Our Team - Children’s Ministry Director Position
Do you have a heart for kids and a passion for ministry? At Mainstreet, we’re on a mission to partner with families to help their kids Love God, Love People, and Live Like Jesus. We’re looking for a Children’s Ministry Director to lead the charge in shaping the next generation’s faith. If you’re ready to lead with vision, develop meaningful programs, and make a lasting impact on children and families, we’d love to connect! If you know someone who might be interested, we’d love to connect! Learn more and apply HERE


Night of Worship
Sunday, January 26th

Let us come together for an evening of worship through song, prayer, and diving into the Word! Our student ministry, Authentikos, will be helping lead us in worship with a student choir. This will be a great opportunity for multiple generations to kick the year off with an emphasis on worship. We encourage and welcome the whole family to attend. If you're a student, be sure to sign up 
HERE by January 19th or speak with Steven snieves@mainstreetlife.org and/or Matt msundberg@mainstreetlife.org about joining the choir.


Thursday, January 30th
6:00 – 8:00pm
Interested in starting the new year off right by getting involved in a group here at Mainstreet? Maybe you've been praying about starting a group? Fulfill that New Year’s resolution and sign up for our Grouplink on Thursday, January 30th from 6-8pm right here on campus. At this Grouplink you'll hear about groups and hopefully meet some new people that just might become "your people". Sign up using the following link HERE.

S T U D E N T  M I N I S T R Y
For more information about the Student Ministry, grades 6-12, check them out on social media and at mainstreetlife.org/students or contact Matt Sundberg at msundberg@mainstreetlife.org or 419.838.7600 x121.

Authentikos Students Kalahari Retreat
February 28 – March 1
Hey Students! February 28 – March 2 is our Student Ministry Kalahari Retreat! You are invited to join us for an awesome weekend that will be packed with worship, teaching, games, micro-groups, and, of course, the waterpark! Make sure you invite a friend! To sign up click HERE

MFuge Mission Trip
June 18-23
Ridgecrest Conference Center
Black Mountain, NC

MFuge is a camp and mission experience like no other! MFuge provides an opportunity for students to experience life on mission as they serve together, as well as worship together with students from other churches. To sign up for this amazing event click 

S E R V E  O P P O R T U N I T I E S

January Green Bag Donations
Pick up an empty GREEN Bag for January donations: Personal Hygiene items. The list is available at the Serve Counter and HERE. Return the filled GREEN Bags to the Serve Counter by Sunday, January 26th. Thank you for your generosity!

Facility Team Signup
Do you have skills, talents, abilities or just the desire to be a part of a team to help keep up with maintenance, repairs and the appearance around the church? We are looking to create a team to do so, both inside and outside, winter and summer. If you are interested or want more information, you can sign up HERE or contact Tom Caldwell at tcaldwell@mainstreetlife.org.

C H I L D R E N ’ S   M I N I S T R Y
LITTLES (Age 0 - PreK) and KIDS (Grades K – 5)
Sundays | 9:00 and 10:30am



GROW in His Word | New Testament Class | Part 2
Beginning January 28th
Tuesdays | 6:30pm

This 13-week class will give you a good grasp of the message and history of the second part of the New Testament and how it applies to our lives today. As you learn about God's Word, you'll gain confidence in your understanding and use of the Bible. Cost/$20. Sign up online 
HERE or at the Grouplife Counter.

L I F E  C A R E 

Life Thread Ministry
The Life Thread Ministry is a visitation team for those Homebound, in a Healthcare Facility and also those that just might want someone to visit with them on occasion. This ministry will help by providing a sense of belonging and community at Mainstreet by helping people to stay connected through personal visits, calls and cards. If you or someone you know would appreciate this care ministry, sign up HERE. If you would like to help provide visits and calls and be a part of this ministry, you can sign up to join the Life Thread Ministry by clicking HERE or by contacting Opal Sherman at osherman@mainstreetlife.org.


Prayer Wall
The Mainstreet Church Prayer Wall is the central spot to share requests and praises for yourself, family and friends, or church related needs. It’s also a wonderful place to find out how you can pray for others! You can find the Prayer Wall in the lobby near the Children’s wing or you can also find the Prayer Wall on our website HERE.


January 19
9:00am | 10:30am
Join us Sunday as we continue our series NEW ERA.

We are looking forward to seeing you, whether in person or online (WATCH HERE).
QUESTIONS? Drop us an email at

Inclement Weather Cancellation
Check our webpage (mainstreetlife.org) or local TV stations (channels 11, 13, 24) for information regarding cancellation of services at Mainstreet. Please be sure to check more than one source in the event a TV station gets backlogged in posting closings. Updates also posted on Facebook, Twitter, and email/text sent through myMainstreet. Want to get the text? Click HERE to sign up.