
Thursday, January 30, 2025
6:00 – 8:00pm
Interested in starting the new year off right by getting involved in a group here at Mainstreet? Maybe you've been praying about starting a group? Fulfill that New Year’s resolution and signup for our Grouplink on Thursday, January 23rd from 6-8pm right here on campus. At this Grouplink you'll hear about groups and hopefully meet some new people that just might become "your people". 



We're better together

Do you ever feel like the church is just too big to get to know anyone? That’s exactly why we encourage everyone to explore our Grouplife opportunities!   READ MORE ABOUT GROUPLIFE

Need more help finding a group? 

  • Stop by the Grouplife Counter on Sundays

  • Contact Tom Caldwell or 419.838.7600


Are You Connected Yet?

Have you found a group so that you can connect with others and grow in Christ? Getting involved in a group is a great way to help make Mainstreet feel like home.

  • A young adult group of late 20's through 30 something's, married and single. If you're hoping to connect with younger adults and grow in your faith, this is the place for you!

    AREA OF TOWN Perrysburg

    DAY OF WEEK Thursday - weekly

    TIME 7:30 pm


  • Join this group of late 20s-30s couples with small group who meet to fellowship and grow in God's Word together. Our children are young, but we would also welcome couples with no children or with older children as this is not a parenting-focused group. We typically eat dinner together and then have a discussion about a book, video or passage(s) of scripture. Childcare is not provided.

    AREA OF TOWN Perrysburg

    DAY OF WEEK Sunday - weekly

    TIME 5:30 pm


  • We are an intergenerational group that is currently studying Hebrews with the J. Vernon McGee guide

    AREA OF TOWN Walbridge

    DAY OF WEEK Wednesday - 1st & 3rd

    TIME 12:30 pm


  • We are taking a look at the Bible through media created by fellow believers. We are going through the TV series The Chosen, and diving into the history of Jesus. We begin our time together watching an episode, and then after that we will dig into the Word. We would love to see you there!

    AREA OF TOWN Moline

    DAY OF WEEK Thursday - 1st & 3rd

    TIME 6:00pm


  • We are an adult group which meets every Wednesday from 6:30 - 8:00. Come, get connected, grow together and experience "one another's" as we share joys, half burdens and celebrate God's goodness.

    AREA OF TOWN Northwood

    DAY OF WEEK Wednesday

    TIME 6:00pm



  • A group for men of all ages - led by Tim Cantu and taught by Ken Kurucz

    AREA OF TOWN Mainstreet Church

    DAY OF WEEK Wednesday - weekly

    TIME 7:00 pm

    Contact this group

  • Men, gather with us at church each Sunday to read the Bible and have a discussion about what God is saying to us. This is a great way to learn how to read the Bible and make good observations so we can rightly apply the Word. 

    AREA OF TOWN Mainstreet Church

    DAY OF WEEK Sunday

    TIME 8:00 am



  • GriefShare is a 13-week seminar and support group for people who are grieving the death of someone close to them. It's a place to be around people who understand what you are feeling. At GriefShare, you'll learn valuable information about recovering from your grief and renewing your hope for the future. Cost/$20. Call 419.838.7600 for next session date. 

    AREA OF TOWN Mainstreet Church

    DAY OF WEEK Monday - weekly

    TIME 6:30 pm



  • We are reading and discussing the book Goliath Must Fall by Louie Giglio. The book is recommended but not required.

    AREA OF TOWN Mainstreet

    DAY OF WEEK 2nd Monday of each month

    TIME 6:00 pm


  • Informal discussion and fellowship with "Golden Ladies." We study the Bible and what it means to us.

    AREA OF TOWN Mainstreet

    DAY OF WEEK Wednesday 2nd & 4th

    TIME 10:00 am



What? Life Groups are small groups of people who intentionally and regularly gather for the purpose of growing spiritually and relationally. Groups are together for Christian fellowship, Bible study, and of course food…other groups gather around common interests like bicycling, biking (the motorized kind), and quilting. 

Why? God didn’t create us to do life on our own. He wants us to know and be known by both Himself and others. We call our groups Life Groups because they are truly meant to help us live the Christian life together. When we live in authentic, life-giving community with others we receive support, encouragement, and challenge, so we grow, become who God designed us to be, and experience an abundant life. 

When & Where? Groups meet throughout the year in two semesters (Fall & Spring), and there are groups that meet almost every day of the week. Most groups have an “empty chair”, which makes it welcoming and easy to join. There are also new groups that begin during each semester. Groups meet in homes, coffee shops, and at the church facility, and are available in many of our local communities. 

How Do I Join? Browse through the group option on this page to find a group that interests you. You can contact the group leaders directly for more info, and take the step – jump in!